எலுமிச்சை ஊறுகாய் – Lemon Pickle


எலுமிச்சை ஊறுகாய் – Lemon Pickle has vitamin B which is good to keep the immune system healthy. Keeps digestive system healthy


எலுமிச்சை ஊறுகாய் – Lemon Pickle

Health Benefits: It has vitamin B which is good to keep the immune system healthy. Lemon pickle also keeps digestive issues at bay due to the enzymes present in it. This in turn reduces acne and helps in weight loss. The citric acid in lemon along with potassium also prevents kidney stones.

Can we eat lemon pickle daily?

While you should consult a doctor, you can also add a very small quantity of lemon pickle in your diet, as it is packed with copper, potassium, iron, and calcium, considered effective to control blood pressure.

Can we drink milk after eating lemon pickle?

Can I take milk after a pickle? No. The pickle makes the milk curdle in your stomach and can cause a stomach ache, headache, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Additional information

Weight160 g
Lemon Pickle

எலுமிச்சை ஊறுகாய் – Lemon Pickle has vitamin B which is good to keep the immune system healthy. Keeps digestive system healthy


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