Hosur vegetable rate today.
We are backed by HosurOnline – a web portal. Price for vegetables and fruits are updated on daily basis, giving pubilc an idea for planning their budgets.
The most budget friendly Hosur vegetable rate today are for, கத்தரிக்காய் Brinjal, முருங்கைக்காய் Drumstick Per Piece, and வாழைப் பூ Banana Flower.
Price fluctuation analysis – Track and visualize the price changes of common vegetables in Hosur over the past few months. Understand trends and patterns.
Weekly vegetable basket for a family of 4 under Rs. 500 – shall include seasonal availability and prices.
In general, vegetables like Cabbage, Cauliflower, raw banana, banana stem, brinjal, cho-cho, pumpkin, spinach varieties are all not only good for health, but also light for pocket.
Normally Cauliflower used to be sold at around Rs 15 per flower, but it off season, the price shoots upto Rs 40 – Rs 50 per flower.
While the price mentioned are for the first quality vegetables and fruits, second and third quality might be sold at almost 40% less price.
As we give vegetables and fruits price on daily basis, allow public to access the price trend by displaying the same in a graph format. This helps to analyse price prediction according to the season and months.
The rate data available on our websites are as provided by government of Tamil Nadu for Hosur Uzhavar Santhai – that is Hosur Farmer’s market.
Comparing to vegetables sold at departmental stores and other street side shops, price at Hosur Uzhavar Santhai used to be 30% – 40% less and the quality will be fresh and best.